Also a Hammarlund HQ-100A w/ original speaker and 2 Brown Brothers keys (Models ST-A and CTL-B). 1997 (pictured below) now, that's all mothballed and on display. My antennas are a Cushcraft R7, a Butternut HF5V-II, a 50 foot (!) KU3X loaded dipole on 160, 11-element Cushcraft 2 meter beam. Matching Power Supply with dual digital clocks. True Heathkit engineering and construction NEVER offered as a kit). 160 thru 10, dual on-board VFOs, RS-232 interface, speech compressor, RIT, passband tuning, motorized band switch, 200 Hz CW filter.

Moved "back home" to the Lehigh Valley, PA (Allentown) and became KA3AQV. First licensed in 1976 as WN2FAQ (at age 25), then WB2FAQ.