However, it would entail setting a Supervisor Password first and obtaining a scrambled version of this so it may be easier to manually clear the TPM owner before starting the operating system deployment:.

On our FTP, located in “/Utilities_and_BIOS_Tools/BIOS_Setting/WMI-Method/WMI Sample Script”, is a sample script called “ WMI-BIOSSetting.vbs” that can be used with the command line parameters below to achieve clearing the TPM Owner. This means the first thing to do is clear the TPM owner, which can be achieved by accessing the BIOS and clearing the TPM owner (Security section) directly, or issuing the WMI command “ClearTPMOwner” “Enable” via a script as part of your operating system deployment. There is a very good chance that the TPM controller is already “owned” by the OEM installation as in the new BIOS systems TPM2.0 is always on – you will notice there is no option to disable TPM2.0 within the BIOS. As we have now moved to a TPM2.0 platform it will be necessary to do some preparation work to ensure the TPM2.0 controller is available to the Bitlocker subsystem on Windows7 64-bit.